Policy Overview
About FAIRR’s Policy Work
Through our policy workstream, we engage with governments, regulators, industry bodies and investors to promote a greater understanding of risks in intensive animal agriculture, and draw attention to sustainable policies and practices. Where relevant, the FAIRR Initiative seeks to respond to policy-related consultations related to the work of our investor members.

Latest Policy Insights
Latest Issue Briefings
Food Systems and Livestock Production Under Climate Change: The IPCC’s Sixth Assessment
Policy Investor Statements
G20 Agricultural Subsidies Statement
FAIRR has put together an investor statement calling on the G20 Finance Ministers to repurpose their agricultural subsidies in line with climate and nature goals.

EU Taxonomy
In this letter, investors and financial advisers representing over $3.5 trillion in assets, sent a letter to the EU Commission, summing up concerns over certain elements of the EU Taxonomy, and drawing attention to the importance of the agriculture sector.

Global Roadmap to 2050 for Food and Agriculture
In this letter, investors representing $18 trillion in combined assets called on the FAO to produce a Global Roadmap to 1.5˚C, Nature and Nutrition Security Goals.

G7 Finance Track – Response Letter from the Investor Action on AMR Coalition
We are writing to you in our capacity as institutional investors and investor representative members of the Investor Action on AMR Coalition to welcome the G7 Finance Ministers’ Statement on Actions to Support Antibiotic Development and to highlight our support of the G7 Finance Track in addressing antimicrobial resistance (AMR).

COP26 Investor Statement
Highlighting the critical need to reduce global GHG emissions from animal agriculture, and seize the opportunities presented by COP26 to foreground protein production and consumption in the climate conversation.