Member AUM
$75 trillion


Food systems don't just depend on biodiversity, they are part of it
Waste & Pollution
Regenerative Agriculture

Biodiversity Overview

The variability of life on Earth is encompassed in the concept of biodiversity. It represents nature’s capacity to provide the ecosystem services on which humans, other species, societies and economies rely on. Without biodiversity or biological diversity, life and economic activities as we know them simply could not exist. Biodiversity loss is, therefore a material financial risk. The need to urgently preserve and protect terrestrial, inland water, marine and coastal ecosystems was globally recognised in December 2022 with the launch of the Global Framework on Biodiversity (GFB). The framework has established a baseline for international action through to 2030 and will ultimately require a systemic shift in agricultural production.

This has also been highlighted by financial and corporate standards such as Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) and the Science Based Targets Network (SBTN), calling for organisations to manage and report biodiversity-related risks and set effective targets to prevent biodiversity loss.

As a result, FAIRR’s efforts seek to address the key drivers of biodiversity loss, its associated risks, and opportunities through sector analysis and company engagement. The meat and dairy sector’s impact on biodiversity loss are cause by the five principal drivers identified by the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES). They are as follows:

  • Land/sea-use change

  • Direct exploitation of natural resources

  • Climate change

  • Pollution

  • Invasive alien species

FAIRR’s biodiversity thematic work aims to support investors understand the biodiversity footprinting tools available to them, and tackle the risks identified through collaborative engagements on waste and pollution, aquaculture feed, and seafood traceability.


Nature and Biodiversity Workstreams

Regenerative Agriculture

Assessment of commitments on regenerative agriculture by 79 food-sector companies.


Seafood Traceability Engagement

Full-chain traceability is key to addressing ESG risks and unlocking opportunities in global seafood supply chains

Project-Seafood Traceability

Waste & Pollution Engagement

Mismanagement of Manure Drives Pollution and Biodiversity Risk

Project-Waste & pollution

Sustainable Aquaculture Engagement

Climate and Biodiversity Risk in the Farmed Salmon Industry

Project-Sustainable Aquaculture

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Project Type
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Phase 1 | Nissui Corporation Assessment
Seafood Traceability Engagement
Phase 1 | Nomad Foods Assessment
Seafood Traceability Engagement
Phase 1 | Thai Union Group Assessment
Seafood Traceability Engagement
Phase 1 | Mitsubishi Corporation Assessment
Seafood Traceability Engagement
Phase 1 | Marubeni Corporation Assessment
Seafood Traceability Engagement
Phase 1 | Maruha Nichiro Corporation Assessment
Seafood Traceability Engagement
Phase 1 | Charoen Pokphand Foods Assessment
Seafood Traceability Engagement
Phase 3 | Sample Investor Letter
Waste & Pollution Engagement
Phase 1 | Marubeni Corporation Meeting Notes
Seafood Traceability Engagement
Phase 1 | Nissui Corporation Meeting Notes
Seafood Traceability Engagement
Phase 1 | Nomad Foods Meeting Notes
Seafood Traceability Engagement
Phase 1 | Mitsubishi Corporation Meeting Notes
Seafood Traceability Engagement
Phase 1 | Maruha Nichiro Corporation Meeting Notes
Seafood Traceability Engagement