FAIRR’s top news picks
JBS Joins the Feeding Frenzy on Cultivated Meat
Plant Based News | 18 November 2021

JBS acquired a Spanish cultured meat company BioTech Foods in a $100 million deal. Pretty big news for the protein industry. The Brazilian meat companies are really making their move into alternative proteins – JBS now joins BRF and Minerva with investments in the cultivated protein space. Global private investment in cultivated meat technology hit $506 million in the first six months of 2021.
Are ESG Externalities of Meat Production Starting to Be Priced in?
The Wall Street Journal | 15 November 2021

Tyson is raising its prices across all major divisions as its costs of production and processing have increased. The industry is still battling inflationary pressures from commodities prices, logistics bottlenecks, and labour shortages.
Canada Floods Leave Thousands of Farm Animals Dead
The Guardian | 18 November 2021

One of Canada’s most intensively and diversely farmed areas was hit by severe torrential rains this week killing thousands of farm animals. Residents of the area have been desperately trying to save their animals. But left with no choice, farmers are being urged to leave their livestock and evacuate.
EU Draft Law Focuses on Food Products and Deforestation Risk
Financial Times | 17 November 2021

Brussels will seek to ban imports of foods – including beef – from areas at risk of deforestation. Those failing to provide accurate information to national authorities via satellite images could face fines worth up to 4 per cent of their annual turnover. If approved by the EU governments, the ban is set to reduce the impact of European consumer demand on the world’s forests and indigenous communities.
Graphic of the Week
Drought continues in much of Brazil and the U.S. Severe climate events, like the one in Vancouver, decimate farmers and entire communities. Food prices soar…. AND big meat giants increase their stake in alternative and cultivated proteins. It’s been an interesting post-COP26 week indeed.

Source: Bloomberg
More Food for Thought
‘Cow’s Milk Without Cows’ Start-Up Raises $13m in Seed Funding **| Sophie Kevany | The Guardian<br />COP26’s Message to Companies Is Clear: Speed Up Your Net-Zero Plans | Akshat Rathi and Alastair Marsh | Bloomberg<br />****Waitrose to Trial Sustainable Farming at Leckford Estate to Promote ‘New Best Practice’ | The Grocer<br />**
FAIRR’s Protein Pulse is a weekly collection of news articles related to the food sector that may be of interest to our members. FAIRR does not necessarily endorse the views of these news articles and assumes no responsibility for any errors or inaccuracies found in third-party content.