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$75 trillion

BEIJING, NOVEMBER 14, 2018, The global investor network FAIRR (Farm Animal Investment Risk & Return) has today published the ‘Coller FAIRR Protein Producer Index in Asia’, the world’s first company benchmark report assessing the largest Asian intensive livestock and fish farming companies and their ability to manage the sector’s critical environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks.

The report has revealed that 26 Asian companies worth $120 billion are categorised as ‘high risk’ for investors, and 94% of the companies are either not managing critical risks or they are failing to disclose basic information.

The Index is a key resource for institutional investors and other actors interested in the livestock sector in Asia, as it showcases the enormous risks and opportunities that are building in the region.

FAIRR assessed 30 Asia-based meat, fish and dairy companies against relevant Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and scored them on a scale of 0 – 5 based on their commitments, policies and disclosure. This report  also identifies a growing suite of best practices and remarkable innovations, some of which include greenhouse gas inventories, a ground-breaking fund in alternative proteins, antibiotics stewardship and water management.

Commenting on the publication, Maria Lettini, Director of FAIRR said, “FAIRR prides itself on being a knowledge hub that educates capital markets on the ESG risks associated with livestock production. We believe this report will ignite important dialogue between investors and these food suppliers which will result in tangible improvements to corporate practices.”

Modern methods of intensive farming have led to the growth of the meat, fish and dairy sectors in Asia, and they are favourably positioned for capital investment, especially since increasing urbanisation has led to a burgeoning middle class that demands more animal proteins. However, with changing trends such as climate change, innovation in the food technology sector as well as a broad consumer shift towards healthier food, it is vital that investors look holistically at the Asian animal protein sector through the lens of ESG issues to make informed decisions, especially where sustainability is concerned.

For more information, the Coller FAIRR Protein Producer Index in Asia can be found here:


For media enquiries, contact

Jonathan Parry / Tamana Mulchand<br />+65 6340 7287<br />


The FAIRR Initiative is a collaborative investor network. It aims to raise awareness of the material impacts that factory farming can have on investment portfolios, and works to help investors share knowledge and form collaborative engagements on issues related to factory farming.