Member AUM
$75 trillion

Agriculture is facing multiple challenges (e.g., meeting global food security; a growing population with changing diets; a levelling off of crop yields; dwindling natural resources and biodiversity) all whilst managing the increasing threats of climate change. Meeting these challenges will require a significant increase in the access and availability of capital for climate-smart investment across agricultural value chains.

Accessible and robust public and private sector investments are critical to support our global food systems in their transition to a low-carbon, equitable and resilient future.  In the final instalment of the digital agri-event series, “The Great Food Challenge”, our Executive Director, Maria Lettini, joins other panellists to examine how innovative financing mechanisms can be used to achieve the joint objectives of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

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Core Discussion Points:

  • How does finance and investment support agriculture and the SDGs?

  • How do we change the risk profile of the agriculture industry to access the required capital to drive a sustainable agribusiness future?

  • How can developing countries maintain sustainable agriculture practices in spite of global foreign aid withdrawals?

  • How do agribusinesses assess their performance against sustainability and/or the SDGs when there are no clear metrics, when there is poor data, or the data is repetitive?

Key Information
Date: 3 December 2020
Time: 14:00 - 15:15
Location: Online