Member AUM
$75 trillion

The Future of Food conference will highlight the practical steps that key actors can take in building more sustainable supply chains and resilient food systems.

Our Executive Director, Maria Lettini, will join other notable guests to discuss the future of sustainable finance and the impact that investors are having on animal welfare, biodiversity and climate change. Panellists will also debate how this can and must be scaled, and assess what supply chain transformation really means on the ground to ensure social, environmental and economic sustainability throughout the value chain. 

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  • Maria Lettini, Executive Director, FAIRR Initiative

  • Kiran Sanchit, Managing Director, Head of Food and Agriculture EMEA, ING

  • Pieternel Boogaard, Global Head of Agribusiness, Food and Water, FMO – Dutch Development Bank


  • Ian Welsh, publishing director, Innovation Forum

Key Information
Date: 15 June 2021
Time: 14:40 - 15:30
Location: Online