Key Information
United Kingdom
Primary Market:
Europe & Russia
Antibiotics Stewardship Engagement
Analysis Overview
Scope of Policy Policy Implementation Investor Engagement
Analysis Breakdown
Scope of Policy
Does the company have a policy on antibiotics stewardship?
Greene King has a policy on the responsible use of pharmaceuticals in agriculture. It is not publicly available, though the policy was shared with FAIRR in 2017.
Does it cover animal-derived protein sources across all relevant species?
Although not explicitly stated in the company's policy, FAIRR has previously confirmed with Greene King that their policy on antibiotics covers all relevant animal-derived protein sources.
Does it cover animal-derived protein sources across all operations?
Their policy states that "Greene King suppliers should be working with their producers towards a rational reduction and reliance in the use of antimicrobial and anti-parasitic agents within agriculture".
How strong is the company's commitment?
Greene King did not provide FAIRR with an update, and only the stated that their "policy with regards to the use of antibiotics in our supply chain remains the same". The company's policy requires suppliers to work with their producers at the farm level to improve animal welfare and ensure that antibiotics are not used prophylactically.
Policy Implementation
Does the policy commit to specific targets or timelines for all species?
No information provided and/ or available.
Does the company disclose quantity of antibiotics used?
Although the company does not currently disclose antibiotics usage, in their response to FAIRR in 2017, Greene King indicated that suppliers are working towards "monitoring quantities of antimicrobial compounds used at an individual farm level, and in the longer term down to the individual or group level". The company did not provide an update this year.
Does the company commit to and/ or carries out third-party auditing and monitoring?
No information provided and/ or available.
Investor Engagement
Did the company respond to investor letter?
Greene King responded to the investor letter but did not provide any updated to FAIRR this year. The company has not met with the investor coalition. Their response is available here.
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Workstream Information
2019 Score:
Last Updated:
20 May 2019
2019 Resources
Phase 3 | Progress Report Antibiotics Stewardship Engagement