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Working Conditions Engagement
Analysis Overview
Grievance Mechanisms Economic Incentives Distribution by Contract Type Oversight of Governance Structure Support Worker Representation Engage Workers on Industry Trends
Analysis Breakdown
Health & Safety
Grievance Mechanisms - Availability & Access
BRF reports that its grievance mechanism, "Transparency Channel", is accessible 24/7 and in multiple languages across the company's operating locations via telephone, email, or its website. The channel allows employees and third parties to make anonymous reports.
Grievance Mechanisms - Effectiveness & Evaluation
BRF discloses that it has continued its Integrity Ambassadors programme to raise awareness of the company's ethics and integrity guidelines. While not directly stated in its 2023 reporting, the company's public disclosure in 2022 confirmed that these ambassadors promote the improvement of the company's grievance channel.
Additionally, the company's Integrity System regularly undergoes independent, third-party audits, which include responses to grievance cases through the Transparency Channel as a key performance indicator.
Grievance Mechanisms - Categories & Reporting
The Transparency Channel platform indicates that individuals can choose from 27 categories when filing a case. However, BRF disaggregates the grievance cases it received for 2022 across six categories only: fraud involving clients, discrimination, robbery, theft or embezzlement, fraud involving suppliers, harassment, and others. Of the 3,338 cases it received in 2022, 75% (2,495) of these reports fell into the ‘Others’ category. The company does not define what is included in this category, which limits the oversight of investors and other stakeholders of potential risk areas identified by employees within the company’s operations.
Grievance Mechanisms - Channels for H&S and Worker Rights
While BRF does not include health and safety as a category in its public reporting, it is included as a categorisation option available to users of the Transparency Channel. It is also apparent from the Transparency Channel that users can report issues related to worker rights under categories including sexual harassment, moral harassment, discrimination, and violation of labour laws.
Grievance Mechanisms - Resolution Process
The company discloses that its Compliance Department is responsible for investigating all reported grievances. Any grievances concerning the Compliance Department are investigated by the company’s Board and the Audit and Integrity Committee. The process involves the following steps:
1. A preliminary analysis to review the evidence.
2. Referral of the case to outside consultants if necessary.
3. A multidisciplinary committee reviews substantiated reports to determine appropriate disciplinary measures.
BRF reports resolving 3,841 cases in 2022.
Economic Incentives - Sick Pay Entitlement
BRF does not report on its paid sick leave policy.
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Economic Incentives - Other Economic Incentives
BRF provides employees with variable remuneration based on performance indicators agreed upon by senior management. However, it is unclear what would typically be included in these performance indicators and which employees are eligible.
Fair Working Conditions
Distribution by Contract Type
BRF discloses the total size of its workforce and provides the distribution of temporary versus permanent and full-time versus part-time contract types by gender and region. Additionally, the company reports the size of its refugee workforce. However, the company does not report data on the size of its subcontracted workforce.
Oversight of Governance Structure
BRF discloses that the Board receives reports relating to the Transparency Channel, the progress of grievance investigations, making the company a more attractive workplace, and material business risks. Further, the Sustainability Committee of the Board of Directors monitors the company's ESG progress. However, it is unclear what specific labour metrics the Board receives every quarter.
Worker Representation
Support Worker Representation - Internal & External Structures
Board-level representation
The company does not report having employee representation at the Board level or alternative approaches to elevate worker voice to inform Board-level decision-making.
Internal committees
BRF discloses that it has worker committees designed to prevent accidents and an Internal Occupational Accident Prevention Commission (CIPA). The CIPA comprises elected employees and other individuals who meet monthly with senior management on health and safety risks and measures to prevent accidents. The CIPA is said to have “full autonomy” to propose improvements and take action when risks are identified.
Dialogue with trade unions
BRF discloses that 100% of its workforce in Brazil, Australia, Chile, and Oman is covered by collective bargaining agreements and represented by unions, indicating that the company has undergone constructive dialogues with these unions. Further, the company reports it had no recorded cases of operations or suppliers in which workers' rights to exercise freedom of association or collective bargaining may have been violated, but it does not expand on how it determined this or ensures it is maintained.
Support Worker Representation - Restrictions Under Law
BRF discloses that it is increasing its production capacity in the Middle East but does not report on alternative approaches to elevate worker voice in locations where freedom of association is restricted under law, such as in its operations in Abu Dhabi and Saudi Arabia.
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Support Worker Representation - Operations in China
Support Worker Representation - Collective Bargaining
BRF discloses that 100% of the workforce in Brazil, Austria, Chile and Oman are covered by collective bargaining agreements but does not provide metrics for other geographies.
BRF does not disclose whether the terms of collective bargaining agreements are extended to all workers at a given plant, regardless of their contact type, union status or involvement in the bargaining process.
Engage Workers on Industry Trends - Impact assessment on Employees
The company reports investing R$ 18.4 million in automation technologies related to water measurement from 2021 to 2022. It also reports developing automation solutions for drying grains at 14 of its Brazilian facilities, which reduced grain drying time by 15% and labour costs by 60%. The company does not disclose whether it has conducted an assessment to understand the impact of automation on its workforce.
Climate risk
BRF has formally committed to setting near-term climate mitigation targets and a net-zero target with the SBTi. BRF is a member of the Business Ambition for 1.5°C campaign. The company has a Net Zero by 2040 target that has not yet been approved by the SBTi. However, BRF has not conducted a formal risk assessment on how its climate mitigation strategy may impact its workforce.
Engage Workers on Industry Trends - Workforce Engagement
BRF discloses consulting workers for its materiality assessment. It also reports conducting socio-environmental impact evaluations as part of its community consultation process in 2022. However, the company does not disclose how and with what frequency it engages workers or their representatives in discussions about its automation and climate change strategy.
Engage Workers on Industry Trends - Just Transition
The company does not publicly support a Just Transition in the food sector.
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Workstream Information
YoY Performance:
Increased Disclosure
Index Working Conditions Score:
Assessed Proteins:
Poultry & eggs, Pork
Last Updated:
18 March 2024
2023 Resources
Phase 3 | Progress Report Working Conditions Engagement