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$75 trillion

How Investors Can Address Biodiversity Risks


Event Overview

The World Economic Forum identifies biodiversity loss as one of the top three risks to the economy over the next decade. Yet few investors address nature-related financial risks to the same extent as climate change, together referred to as the environmental “twin crises”. Panellists of this session will address the ways to better manage risks related to biodiversity, explaining:

  • How to quantify nature-related risks and opportunities in portfolios;

  • The trends in regulation and industry initiatives and how they will impact investors;

  • How to mitigate risks of water stress, deforestation and sustainable agriculture through targeted engagements.

Speakers include:

  • Maria Lettini, Executive Director, FAIRR Initiative;

  • Julie Moret, Global Head of Sustainable Investing and Stewardship, Northern Trust Asset Management.

Please note that this event is for Financial Professionals and Institutional Investors only. It is not intended for retail.

Key Information
Date: 29 November 2022
Time: 16:00 - 17:30 CET (UTC+1)
Location: Barcelona, Spain
Address: W Hotel, Plaça Rosa Del Vents 1, Barcelona, Spain