Member AUM
$75 trillion

The FAIRR Initiative is pleased to be taking part in the 50by40 Global Engagement Summit and to contribute to the Financial Shifts Panel Discussion.

As highlighted by COVID-19, the need for change in worldwide food production funding is long overdue. ESG Analyst, Kezia St Clere Smithe, will be joining this lively discussion seeking to establish a common understanding of the landscape of financial flows in the global food system. This panel will cover different topics including:

  • The lessons learned from The World Banks’s divestment from fossil fuels

  • Engaging private investors towards sustainable protein supply chains

  • Mobilizing on the frontlines. The effects of industrialized livestock systems on indigenous communities

  • The job-creation potential and co-benefits of shifting to more plant-based diets and production in Latin-America and the Carribean

To learn more and register for this event, please visit the 50by40’s website.

Register Now

Key Information
Date: 8 December 2020
Time: 19:20 - 20:10
Location: Online