Manon joined FAIRR in 2024 as a Policy Officer working on a range of ESG topics within the policy team. She focuses on global outreach related to climate and biodiversity COPs, while also supporting FAIRR’s investor members by helping them understand the risks and opportunities involved in transforming the global food system to achieve climate and nature goals.
Working at FAIRR
Manon’s top priority for 2024 is supporting FAIRRs delegation to both the global biodiversity conference COP16 and global climate conference COP29.
In her most recent role, Manon worked as a Policy Intern at the Jeremy Coller Foundation, where she focused on alternative proteins and animal welfare policies. Manon holds an MA in International Studies and Diplomacy from SOAS, University of London and a BA in Applied Linguistics. During the former, she conducted extensive research surrounding diplomacy, public policy and food insecurity.