Member AUM
$75 trillion

Deforestation & Biodiversity

Assessing Company Management and Performance on Deforestation, Conversion-free and Biodiversity Metrics 


Protein Scope

Operational Scope 

Sub-KPIs and Best Practice Criteria

Deforestation/conversion-free target – Soy for animal feed

All proteins



Risk assessment to identify high-risk locations

The company has conducted a risk assessment to identify high-risk locations.

Strength of deforestation commitment

The company is committed to a soy deforestation- and conversion-free target, including legal deforestation, with full implementation by 2025 and a cut-off date of 2020 or earlier.

Regional and operational coverage of commitment

The company's commitment applies to all sourcing regions and 100% of soy at risk of deforestation.

Transparency – progress against commitment

The company discloses the proportion of commodity volumes which are compliant with the commitment, and data is audited by a third party.

Deforestation/conversion-free target – Cattle 

Cattle only



Risk assessment to identify high-risk locations

The company has conducted a risk assessment to identify high-risk locations.

Strength of deforestation commitment

The company is committed to a cattle deforestation- and conversion-free target, including legal deforestation, with full implementation by 2025 and a cut-off date of 2020 or earlier.

Regional and operational coverage

The company's commitment applies to all sourcing regions and 100% of cattle at risk of deforestation.

Transparency – progress against commitment

The company discloses the proportion of commodity volumes which are compliant with the commitment, and data is audited by a third party.

Engagement, monitoring & traceability – Soy for animal feed 

All proteins



Supplier engagement

The company references deforestation in its supplier selection process and provides guidance and support to suppliers on deforestation-free production and traceability.

Compliance monitoring & traceability

The company has traceability of 100% of its soy to sub-national regions for direct and indirect suppliers.

The company discloses compliance monitoring processes and actions taken in the event of non-compliance.

Feed innovation

The company discusses innovations for sustainable feed sources.

Engagement, monitoring & traceability – Cattle 

Cattle only



Supplier engagement

The company discloses compliance monitoring processes and actions taken in the event of non-compliance.

Compliance monitoring & traceability 

The company has traceability of 100% of its cattle to sub-national regions for direct and indirect suppliers.

Feed innovation

The company discusses innovations for sustainable feed sources.

Aquaculture certification (ASC, BAP, GlobalGAP, SSP) 

Aquaculture only


Proportion of farms certified

The company certifies 100% of its supplier and owned farms.

Feed ingredients & conversion ratios 

Aquaculture only




Feed disclosure

The company discloses all feed ingredients by percentage and the proportion of certified soy and marine ingredients.

The company discloses forage fish dependency ratios and absolute volumes of fish meal and fish oil by operating region.

Performance of feed metrics

The company reports on improvements in key metrics determining raw material efficiency.

Feed innovation 

Aquaculture only





• The company develops novel ingredients and has a strategy to increase their inclusion in feed.

• The company has conducted a risk assessment focused on feed availability.


• The company targets increased use of alternative feed ingredients and reports progress against this target.

• The company discloses the percentage of R&D budget allocated to novel ingredient development.

Sea lice management – Salmon (fish at sea only) 

Aquaculture only


Sea lice disclosure and management

The company discloses historical sea lice counts and compliance with regulatory limits for each operating region.

Cleaner fish

The company outlines methods to prevent sea lice infestations, including cleaner fish and non-chemical approaches.

Ecosystem impacts 

Aquaculture only



The company discloses escape event data, including numbers, financial costs, and prevention measures.

Reducing biodiversity impacts

The company works to reduce biodiversity impacts.

The company has an algal bloom management plan.

Note: There were no changes between the 2023 and 2024 iterations of the methodology.

Deforestation Aligned Subject-matter Experts & Frameworks


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