Key Information
United States
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North America
Meat Sourcing Engagement
Analysis Breakdown
Board oversight
Is the board briefed by management on the company’s strategies for mitigating environmental risks associated with their meat and dairy supply chains on at least an annual basis?
The board receives briefs on risk mitigation relating to ESG matters, including sustainable sourcing and meat and dairy supply chains. Wendy's priortises sustainable sourcing, including specific aspects including food quality, water use, climate risk, and animal welfare. The board receives updates from the CSR committee on these topics regularly.
*No change
Have company representatives presented to the Board on physical/transition risks from climate change impacts on commodity sourcing?
The board receives briefings on how to manage climate impacts on operations. Sustainable sourcing is managed by the CSR committee which presents its work to the board.
*No change
Supplier policy
Does the company have a publicly-available supplier policy that addresses the climate, deforestation, water use and quality impacts of its commodity suppliers?
The supplier policy address water use impacts and defoerestation to some extent, as well as other climate concerns. However, this aspect of the policy only applies to suppliers with active sustainability initiatives and is not a requirement for all suppliers to address.
*No change
Does the company have a supplier monitoring and verification system that ensures that direct and indirect suppliers meet the company’s environmental requirements?
While Wendy's expects suppliers to conduct audits/inspections, it does not have a clear system in place for monitoring environmental requirements. Their monitoring of suppliers' compliance does not have a consistent schedule or any specific attention to environmental concerns.
*No change
Does the policy include a non-compliance protocol that specifies specific criteria (e.g. violation of no-deforestation pledge or major pollution incidents) that would trigger the suspension or termination of contracts and facilitates development of time-bound action plans for suppliers to return to compliance?
Wendy's does have a non-compliance protocol but does not mention specific examples of what would trigger the suspension of a contract. It appears that Wendy's creates programs for suppliers to return to compliance but once again does not specify how this program works or what would trigger it to be implemented.
*No change
Does the policy specify that suppliers address all major emissions sources, including those related to land use change and deforestation, enteric emissions from animals, and emissions from manure and chemical fertilisers?
Suppliers with existing sustainability initiatives are encouraged to address emissions, but this encouragement does not extend to all suppliers. There is no requirement for this in the supplier policy. GHG emissions are identified by Wendy's as a key indicator for responsibly-sourced protein and produce but there is not a policy for suppliers regarding this at this point. Therefore partial is awarded for expectations on some suppliers but not all.
*No change
Does the policy ask direct suppliers to measure, report and reduce the greenhouse gas emissions associated with their direct operations and agricultural supply chains?
While Wendy's completed a Scope 3 assessment, they did not require suppliers to disclose and reduce emissions. Suppliers with existing work on sustainability are encouraged to address emissions but this does not extend to all suppliers. Therefore partial is awarded for expectation of some suppliers to document and address GHG emissions.
*Upgrade from DNF to Partial
Does the policy specify that direct and indirect suppliers address all major sources of water pollution and waste in the animal protein supply chain, including slaughtering and processing activities, animal production (CAFOs), and feed production?
Wendy's asks suppliers with existing sustainability initiatives to consider water usage, and has joined the CRSB which has a focus on riparian helath and reducing the water footprint of beef, as well as handling waste. However, this work does not translate clearly to the supplier policy at this point.
*No change
Does the policy encourage suppliers to set science-based and/or context-based targets on water?
While the company's 2019 CSR included slightly more detail about programmes for certain suppliers to reduce water impacts, there is no policy that asks suppliers to do this.
*Downgrade from Partial to DNF
Does the policy ask direct suppliers to measure, reduce (beyond regulatory compliance levels) and report on the water quantity and quality impacts of their direct operations and agricultural supply chains?
No information about suppliers being encouraged to set SBTs is available in the supplier policy or other publicly-available documentation reviewed.
*No change
Does the company have a time-bound, quantifiable zero deforestation/conversion-free policy that covers the entire supply chain for soy, cattle and palm commodities?
Wendy's sources 100% RSPO-certified palm oil. Deforestation is a relevant issue to Wendy's plan to responsibly source beef, but there is no specific policy regarding this issue. No policy is publicly available for soy commodities.
*No change
Has the company set a time-bound, quantitative reduction target for Scope 1 + Scope 2 GHG emissions?
Wendy's plans to submit a Scope1 and 2 target for SBTi certification by the end of 2023 but has not yet released the target.
*No change
Has the company set a time-bound, quantitative emissions reduction target that explicitly address Scope 3 emissions?
Wendy's plans to submit a Scope 3 target for SBTi certification by the end of 2023 but has not yet released the target.
*No change
Has the company set time-bound quantitative targets to reduce water use in direct operations?
Wendy's has set a goal of reducing water use in company restaurants and its support centre by 20% by 2029 and outperformed this goal in 2021.
*No change
Has the company set time-bound quantitative targets to reduce water quality impacts in direct operations?
The company offers no disclosure on water quality impacts targets.
*New category
Has the company set time-bound quantitative targets that explicitly address water use and quality impacts in the supply chain?
No mention of time-bound quantitative targets to address water use and quality impacts in the supply chain can be found in Wendy's Supplier Policy, CSR, or other publicly-available information which has been reviewed.
*No change
Risk assessment/Scenario analysis
Has the company committed to undertaking and publishing a scenario analysis in line with TCFD recommendations?
No evidence of commitment to TCFD-aligned scenario analysis is found in Wendy's CSR or other publicly-available documentation reviewed.
*No change
Has the company conducted a water risk assessment across its direct operations?
Wendy's has completed a water risk assessment of its owned and franchised restaurants.
*No change
Has the company conducted a water risk assessment of suppliers & major commodities?
Wendy's has disclosed that it is in the process of developing a responsible sourcing programme which includes deepening supplier engagement and launching a data collection process to evaluate baseline performance against ingredient-specific metrics, one of which is water.
*Upgrade from DNF to Planned
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Workstream Information
Last Updated:
14 June 2022
2022 Resources
Phase 3 | Progress Briefing Report Meat Sourcing Engagement