Member AUM
$75 trillion

China Modern Dairy Holdings Ltd

1117:HK KYG215791008
Key Information
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Company Information

Company Summary

China Modern Dairy is the largest dairy farming company and the largest raw milk producer in China. It is primarily engaged in two business segments: (a) dairy farming, which is 70% of its business; and (b) liquid milk products under its own brands. Modern Dairy is a long-term partner of Mengniu and is its largest raw milk supplier. In 2017, Mengniu announced the acquisition of additional shares of China Modern Dairy - Mengniu and its concert party own 56% of the company's issued share capital.
China Modern Dairy


Total revenue:


Revenue by Geography

Revenue by Protein

Revenue by Product Type


CDP ScoresLast Reviewed: 11/10/2023

CDP ClimateCDP ForestsCDP Water

Science Based Target initiativeLast Reviewed: 03/10/2023

Target classificationStatusDate
Has not set SBT--