Phibro Animal Health Corporation

PAHC:US US71742Q1067
Key Information
United States
Market Cap:
Primary Market:
North America

Company Information

Company Summary

Phibro Animal Health Corporation (Phibro), is an animal health and mineral nutrition company that develops, manufactures, and markets a broad range of products for food-producing animals, including beef cattle, dairy cattle, poultry, swine, and aquaculture. The company’s products include medicated feed additives (MFAs), antimicrobials, nutritional products, vaccines, and performance products. It also offers specific ingredients for use in the personal care, industrial chemical, and chemical catalyst industries. The company sells animal health and mineral nutrition products directly to food-producing animal products (FAP) integrators and through commercial animal feed manufacturers, wholesalers and distributors.

Animal Pharmaceuticals Engagement

Analysis Breakdown

Revenue, Sales and Marketing Practices

Strategy, risk and reporting on antibiotics
Applying a consistent sales and marketing approach in line with best practice operating market

Manufacturing and Production

Demonstrating effective management of antibiotic residues in manufacturing and production

Research and Development

Defining alternatives to antibiotics
Increasing availability and use of alternatives to antibiotics

Stewardship and Lobbying

Stewardship initiatives
Lobbying and political expenditure

Company Engagement

Level of company engagement with FAIRR and investor signatories

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Workstream Information
Last Updated:
22 May 2024
2023/24 Resources
Health and Wealth: The Investors’ Guide to Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)
Investor Briefing Pack
Key Findings Report
Progress Report
Engagement Overview Video

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