Chipotle Mexican Grill Inc.

CMG on NYSE US1696561059
Key Information
United States
Market Cap:
Primary Markets:
North America, Europe & Russia

Company Information

Company Summary

Chipotle Mexican Grill, Inc., together with its subsidiaries, operates Chipotle Mexican Grill restaurants. As of September 30, 2019, it operated 2,546 restaurants in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, France, and Germany. The company was founded in 1993 and is headquartered in Newport Beach, California.


Revenue by Segment

Meat Sourcing Engagement

Analysis Breakdown

Board oversight

Is the board briefed by management on the company’s strategies for mitigating environmental risks associated with their meat and dairy supply chains on at least an annual basis?
Have company representatives presented to the Board on physical/transition risks from climate change impacts on commodity sourcing?

Supplier policy

Does the company have a publicly-available supplier policy that addresses the climate, deforestation, water use and quality impacts of its commodity suppliers?
Does the company have a supplier monitoring and verification system that ensures that direct and indirect suppliers meet the company’s environmental requirements?
Does the policy include a non-compliance protocol that specifies specific criteria (e.g. violation of no-deforestation pledge or major pollution incidents) that would trigger the suspension or termination of contracts and facilitates development of time-bound action plans for suppliers to return to compliance?
Does the policy specify that suppliers address all major emissions sources, including those related to land use change and deforestation, enteric emissions from animals, and emissions from manure and chemical fertilisers?
Does the policy ask direct suppliers to measure, report and reduce the greenhouse gas emissions associated with their direct operations and agricultural supply chains?
Does the policy specify that direct and indirect suppliers address all major sources of water pollution and waste in the animal protein supply chain, including slaughtering and processing activities, animal production (CAFOs), and feed production?
Does the policy encourage suppliers to set science-based and/or context-based targets on water?
Does the policy ask direct suppliers to measure, reduce (beyond regulatory compliance levels) and report on the water quantity and quality impacts of their direct operations and agricultural supply chains?
Does the company have a time-bound, quantifiable zero deforestation/conversion-free policy that covers the entire supply chain for soy, cattle and palm commodities?


Has the company set a time-bound, quantitative reduction target for Scope 1 + Scope 2 GHG emissions?
Has the company set a time-bound, quantitative emissions reduction target that explicitly address Scope 3 emissions?
Has the company set time-bound quantitative targets to reduce water use in direct operations?
Has the company set time-bound quantitative targets to reduce water quality impacts in direct operations?
Has the company set time-bound quantitative targets that explicitly address water use and quality impacts in the supply chain?

Risk assessment/Scenario analysis

Has the company committed to undertaking and publishing a scenario analysis in line with TCFD recommendations?
Has the company conducted a water risk assessment across its direct operations?
Has the company conducted a water risk assessment of suppliers & major commodities?

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Workstream Information
Last Updated:
14 June 2022
2022 Resources
Phase 3 | Progress Briefing Report

Meat Sourcing Engagement